Getting Your Website Right the First Time

Increasingly, we’re meeting asset managers who need to redo their website because the one they built a short time ago is not meeting their needs.  Why is this happening? As far as we can tell, it’s because these managers have allowed design and structural development...

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For Cryptocurrency Fund Managers: Some Thoughts on Effective Marketing

This article recently appeared in Opalesque New Managers (Issue 69, January 2018) – an online news publication focusing on the global emerging hedge fund manager.

Given the surge of new cryptocurrency funds coming onstream, we thought it might be helpful for us to share some of the thoughts and ideas that have grown out of our firm’s marketing work on cryptocurrency offerings. We hope that our suggestions can provide a beneficial framework for crypto fund managers creating their marketing presentations.

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Your “Story” is the Key to an Effective Marketing Presentation

This article recently appeared in Opalesque New Managers (Issue 65, September 2017) – an online news publication focusing on the global emerging hedge fund manager.

Premise: The best way for a fund manager to create an effective marketing pitch is to tell a compelling story.

I’ll clarify what I mean by “story” in the context of hedge funds, but first let’s consider the efficacy of story-based marketing in general.

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Beware the Three P’s

This article recently appeared in Opalesque New Managers (Issue 61, May 2017) – an online news publication focusing on the global emerging hedge fund manager.

We often hear hedge fund managers say that marketing a fund all boils down to “pedigree, process and performance.” It’s important to note that many of these managers are marketing their funds primarily to high-net-worth investors. We believe that these managers are inadvertently defaulting to an institutional approach—one that will not serve them particularly well in the HNW marketplace.

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Don’t Tell Them How Good You Are. Show Them!

This article recently appeared in Opalesque New Managers (Issue 58, February 2017) – an online news publication focusing on the global emerging hedge fund manager.

Wouldn’t you be dubious?
When somebody tells you that they have a unique, innovative business model, doesn’t your skepticism kick in and prod you to think, “I’ll decide for myself just how unique and innovative it is after I see what it’s all about”?

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For a Pitch Book That Really Works, Try Thinking “Outside-In”

This article recently appeared in Opalesque New Managers (Issue 56, November 2016) – an online news publication focusing on the global emerging hedge fund manager.

In working with emerging hedge fund managers, our firm gets to look at a lot of pitch books every year—the good, the bad and the ugly. And more often than not, the pitch books we see suffer from a shortcoming that’s right out of Marketing 101.

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IQ Financial Marketing Corp

New York, NY
